Fire To Fork – Camp Oven Pulled PorkOrder HereFire To ForkCamp Oven Pulled PorkSERVES 73 hour cooking time (less time if you make less)I N G R E D I E N T S2.5kg boneless pork loin (skin removed)500ml vegetable stock (a good quality liquid stock is best but cubes can be used)4 cloves of garlic (coarsely diced)2 brown onions (coarsely chopped)2 tbspns of chilli powder1/2 cup bbq sauce1-2 litres of water (depending on heat and steam loss)4 tbpsn smoked paprika2 tsp salt1 tsp pepperOptional: Extra chilli to tasteD I R E C T I O N SCut the pork in to 3 bits and remove the skinAdd all of the ingredients (except the water)Fill the camp oven with water to 3/4 of the way up the meatPut the camp oven on medium-high heat in the fire, 50/50 coals underneath and on topAfter 1 hour it should be bubbling and you can top the water up to half way up the meatAfter 2 hours, check that water should be about 1/5 of the way up the meat (add some if needed)Keep cooking until the water has gone and you can pull the meat apart with a couple of big forks (approx 3-3.5 hours)Serve in a wrap, in a sandwich, on crackers, as a burger or any other way you can think of.I T E M SCamp ovenKnifeBe sure to follow Harry’s adventures on YouTube! Share This Article!Have an interesting tale to tell?WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT!Tell us your story for the chance to be featured in our blog.HAVE A TALE TO TELL? Hayley Eales2022-03-09T10:01:26+11:00